Early Morning Drop Off Procedure

Holland Hall students (Grades K-6) can be dropped off at Holland Hall between 8:15 – 8:30 am. Students can gather in the SBC After 3 Classroom where the supervising teacher will be waiting. Personal electronic devices are not permitted during this time. Students will have an opportunity to socialize with their friends and avail of items such as books, colouring materials,  and board games.  

At 8:30 am students will go to their homeroom where their teachers will be waiting to greet them and begin morning routines such as collaborative groups and morning check-ins. 

Mullock Hall students (Grades 7-12) can be dropped off at Mullock Hall starting at 8:15 am at the back entrance under the archway unless they are a member of an extra-curricular program or an event which requires their attendance prior to 8:00 am. Students must remain in the  

main lobby until 8:30 am at which time they are permitted to their lockers and can then proceed to their homeroom. 

ALL students (K-12) are expected to be in their classroom before the 8:45 am bell.

Holland Hall students who arrive late (after 8:40) will be required to go to the main office and wait until after the anthem, prayer and announcements so they may be buzzed into their homeroom. 

Mullock Hall students who arrive late (after the 8:45 bell) will wait outside the main office until after the anthem, prayer and announcements at which time they will be issued a late slip and then they will be permitted to proceed to homeroom. 

Attendance / Late Policy

Attendance is a crucial part of a Jesuit Education. Students are expected to be present every school day. Absences occur, but it is vital that the student and parents work to ensure that they happen as infrequently as possible and are truly unavoidable.  

A good habit of regular attendance prepares a student for academic success and responsible behaviour both in school and for life. Because of the challenging academic environment that our curriculum offers, failure to attend classes regularly can adversely impact a student’s progress and grades. Furthermore, the interaction and personal relationship between students and their teachers and peers are aspects of education that cannot be made up once they are missed. 

It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of the absence of their child(ren).  Parents are asked to call the school at 709-726-0024, email mlawlor@stbons.ca

Late arrivals

Students are expected to be in their homeroom before the 8:45 am bell. Mullock Hall students who arrive after the 8:45 bell will go directly to the office and will be issued a late slip and then proceed to homeroom. 

Three morning lates (unexcused) will constitute a conference with Administration.  Appropriate consequences will be administered at the discretion of the Administration.  

Parents will be notified (via email) after the second unexcused late informing them that should a third late occur a 30-minute disciplinary action will be administered. 

Appropriate discipline will take place in consultation with administration and parents to ensure service is completed for consistent lates. Failure to comply with the late policy will result in suspension/expulsion from St. Bonaventure’s College. 

Late to class

The following is the procedure for students who arrive late to class:

1st Late: teacher conferences with the student and records the late.

2nd Late: teacher conferences with the student to inform them that an email will be sent to their parent advising them that the next late will result in a follow up conference with the Assistant Principal (Students).

3rd Late: the student is not admitted to class and is sent directly to the Office. The Office will contact the parent for a meeting and find a solution. Appropriate consequences will be administered at the discretion of Administration.

Bell Schedule 

Daily Schedule


Kiss and Ride Procedure (Grades K-12)

With the large number of students entering our buildings each day, our primary concern is to ensure a safe and efficient morning drop off procedure.

It is important to note that the SBC parking lot is one way entering from Bonaventure Avenue and exiting onto Mullock Street. When exiting the parking lot you must turn left onto Mullock Street as it is a one way street. Parking on Mullock Street is limited and the crosswalk should always be accessible to pedestrians and easily visible to drivers.

The Kiss and Ride will run from 8:15-8:40 am each day.

When dropping your child(ren) to Mullock Hall (Grades 7-12):

Please enter the campus and go through the archway and proceed to the route after dropping students off at the back door.

When dropping your child(ren) to Holland Hall (Grades K-6):

  • Stay to the left.
  • Proceed slowly through the parking lot until you see the supervising adult located outside the Holland Hall basement door.
  • Please note: after the crosswalk in front of Mullock Hall the parking lot is still two lanes. One for through traffic and one for drop off.
  • Please do not get out of your car. The supervising adult will help your child(ren) out of the car.
  • Have your child(ren) exit on the left side of your car. Having bookbags, lunch bags, etc within reach to help your child(ren) will help them to exit your car quickly and safely.
  • Proceed slowly to the exit turning left on to Mullock Street.

Parking is extremely limited and is reserved for the faculty and staff of SBC

from 8:00-8:30 am.

Lunch Procedure

Lunch 12:00-12:56 pm.

Grades K-6 students will eat lunch in their classrooms 12:00 – 12:28 pm and then have playtime on the the field (weather permitting) from 12:28-12:56 pm.

Mullock Hall – Grades 7-9 students will eat lunch in the cafeteria from 12:00-12:28 pm. Grades 7-9 will proceed to the gym or bottom half of the field from 12:28-12:56 pm (weather permitting). Grades 10-12 students will proceed to gym from 12:00-12:28 (weather permitting). From 12:28 – 12:56 grades 10 students will eat lunch in the cafeteria, Grade 11/12 students will eat lunch in the cafeteria/student lounge.

Junior and senior high students are permitted to leave campus at lunch time with written consent. Please ensure you have completed this section of the student information sheet which will be sent home on the first day of classes.

Lunch Order information

Chartwells is the current school lunch program here at St. Bonaventure’s College. Parents can find the online Chartwells menu can be found on the school website under the “parent” section. Meals for students in Grades K-6 must be preordered and can be selected and paid for online or by placing orders in an envelope with their child’s name, classroom teacher and menu item(s). Students in Grades 7-12 can avail of Chartwells services daily by visiting the cafeteria at recess or lunch.

Chartwells will provide their customers with items such as straws, forks, napkins, and packs of ketchup.

Please note that microwaves, recycling bins and compost bins are available to students. Items such as Kraft Dinner and Michelinas lunches are not ideal due to the amount of time it takes to heat and cool these items. If sending these items in it, preprepare at home.

Food Allergies

The following foods have been identified as being hazardous to some children in our school community who have life-threatening allergies. These allergies can be air borne or contact and pose considerable threat to the health of children with allergies.

The following items have been identified as threats:

  • all nuts and tree nuts
  • fish or shellfish
  • eggs (cooked or raw) – It is impossible to ban eggs in foods. We ask for no eggs raw or cooked. – kiwi
  • Peanut butter (Please note: no WOW butter)

Even foods that contain traces of the above allergens or have been produced in a facility that processes these foods may be a threat. Please check labels and avoid any foods that contain traces of the allergy threats.

End of Day Dismissal Procedure

Due to the large amount of traffic that will be around the campus during dismissal, we kindly ask parents to exit the parking lot after picking up their child(ren). This will allow other parents to pick up their child(ren) in a timely manner.

To ensure safety, as well as efficiency, please do not park along the fence at the entrance of the property. This will allow vehicles to enter safely and procedure through with ease. Please procedure slowly and cautiously at all times. Please note: students are not permitted on the field without parent supervision. The field is prioritized for our after school sports/activities and SBC After 3.

The end of the day dismissal is as follows:

Holland Hall students K-6

Children are dismissed starting at 2:50pm by homeroom teachers who will be notified by the supervising teacher who is outside on supervision. The supervisors will speak to parents/guardians and notify each homeroom teacher to send students to the main doors of Holland Hall where the supervising teachers will escort children to their rides.

Students in the SBC after 3 program will be picked up by the program supervisor in their homeroom and escorted to the designated area.

Students who walk home will be dismissed by their homeroom teacher through the main door.

There is no supervision on the field after school, consequently students are not permitted on the field after 3:00 pm unless their parent is present to supervise.

Mullock Hall students Grades 7-12

will be dismissed after their last class and will exit the main door of Mullock Hall. There is a teacher on duty until 3:20 pm and the main door will be locked. Students who are not participating in extracurricular activities or other programs are expected to be picked up no later than 4:00 pm.

Parents are asked to clearly indicate on the Emergency Contact Form how their child(ren) will be picked up at 3:00 pm. Any changes to the original plan must be communicated, in writing, to the homeroom teacher immediately.

Uniform Policy

At St. Bonaventure’s College, the uniform is a source of pride and a builder of community. A student’s commitment to the school community is reflected in many ways, including their commitment to the dress code and as such the dress code is an important part of student life. For this reason, the uniform policy and expectations are in place to reflect a high standard of professionalism.

Uniform Policy Update

Our short-sleeve polo will become part of the regular uniform all year round. We have also acquired a long-sleeve polo as part of the regular uniform. These items can be worn throughout the year EXCEPT when full-dress uniform is required.

We are also introducing a quarter-zip sweater option. This sweater can be worn at any time during the year, including as part of the full-dress uniform.

Full-dress uniform will be required by ALL students for certain events during the year, including but not limited to presentations, masses, concerts and other special events as determined by the Administrative Team. Only black footwear is acceptable with the full-dress uniform.

Families will be given advance notice when full-dress is required. There will be NO exceptions to the full-dress policy, when required.

Holland Hall (K-6) Uniform

Grades K – 3

  • school polo
  • navy tunic
  • option of navy dress pants
  • navy tights or socks
  • dark coloured footwear
  • Grade 4 – 6
  • school polo
  • navy knee length skirt
  • navy dress pants
  • navy tights or socks
  • dark coloured footwear

Holland Hall (K-6) Full Dress Uniform

Required for formal gatherings, award ceremonies, masses, and special events/occasions.

Grades K – 3 

  • white dress shirt
  • school tie
  • navy tunic
  • option of navy dress pants
  • school sweater, cardigan or vest
  • navy tights or socks
  • black footwear

Grade 4 – 6 

  • white dress shirt
  • school tie*
  • navy knee length skirt
  • navy dress pants
  • school sweater, cardigan or vest*
  • navy tights or socks
  • black footwear

Holland Hall (K-6) Gym Uniform

Students are to wear their gym uniforms for the full school day on the days they have Phys. Ed. class

K-6 Gym Uniform

  • Gym T-shirt*
  • St. Bon’s Hoodie (optional)*
  • navy gym pants
  • non-marking sneakers (for indoor use only)

Mullock Hall Uniform

  • school polo*, ¾ zip sweater or long sleeve polo, sweater, cardigan or vest
  • kilt
  • khaki dress pants
  • navy tights or socks
  • dark coloured footwear

Mullock Hall (7-12) Full Dress Uniform

Required for formal gatherings, award ceremonies, masses, and special events/occasions

Grades 7 – 12 

  • white dress shirt
  • school tie*
  •  kilt*
  •  khaki dress pants
  • school sweater, cardigan or vest*
  • navy tights or socks
  •  black footwear

Mullock Hall (7-12) Gym Uniform

Students are required to bring their gym uniform with them to change into on the days they have Phys. Ed.

  • Grade 7-12 Gym Uniform
  • St. Bon’s T-Shirt*
  • St. Bon’s shorts or pants*
  • non-marking sneakers (for indoor use only)

There will be special dress down days (“jeans day”) organized by Administration throughout the school year. Please check the calendar for these days which usually occur the last Friday of the month. During these days students will be permitted to wear relaxed but respectful dress of their choice. Clothing containing a message which is lewd, vulgar, obscene, or which promotes products or activities that are illegal for use by minors, or which contain objectionable emblems, signs, words, objects, or pictures communicating a message that is racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory or which connotes violence or gang membership is never permitted.

Uniform Policy Infractions

If a student arrives to homeroom or a class without their uniform, they will be sent to the office immediately and the following steps will be followed:

For the first infraction, the student will be asked to go to the main office and get a uniform slip.

For the second infraction, Administration will notify the parents via email. The student’s name and date of infraction will be recorded in the office.

For the third infraction, parents will be contacted to bring the proper uniform and  The parents will be advised by Administration that failure to comply with the school uniform policy a fourth time will result in suspension.

Cell Phone and Social Media Policy

St. Bonaventure’s College acknowledges the importance of technology and the use of online social media networks as both a communication and learning tool. SBC is committed to promoting proper and ethical use of all social media in keeping with our 4 Cs so as to form students who are intellectually competent, who possess the conscience to make enlightened decisions, who show compassion for others, and who are committed to a just global society.

At St. Bonaventure’s College students are expected to exhibit mutual respect when interacting online which is no different than when interacting face-to-face. Students must maintain the principles of respect, dignity, concern for and protection of both themselves and others at all times. Activities which are inappropriate, unethical, illegal, harassing (bullying) are strictly prohibited. Social media interaction has the potential to reach global audiences. This translates into the need for a greater level of awareness, responsibility, and accountability for all student use of social media. At no time may a student take a video or pictures of another student in school. Parental consent is always necessary for photos and videos.

Mullock Hall

Students’ mobile phones should be switched off and locked securely in lockers prior to going to homeroom. Students will not be permitted to have their cell phone during class time. Students will be able to access their phone at lunch.

Holland Hall

We highly discourage any children in Holland Hall to have mobile device. If under special circumstances, a child must have a mobile device, they should be switched off and securely placed in their lockers.

**Students will not be able to use their cell phones at recess or lunch.

Any student who is caught with their cell phone during class time will have their cell phone confiscated until the end of the day for a first offence. They may then pick their cell phone up from the office at 3:10 pm.

1st offense:

  • confiscation
  • given to the Administration
  • returned to student at the end of the day

2nd Offense:

  • confiscation
  • given to the Administration
  • returned only to a parent

***Phone calls from parents saying it is ok to give the child back their cell phone will not be accepted. ***

3rd Offense:

  • confiscation
  • consequences at the discretion of the Administration

The school assumes no responsibility for lost valuables of any sort.

Parents are asked NOT to text or phone their child(ren) during class time.

Mullock Hall students will have access to their phone at lunch and after the 3:00 pm bell.

Academic Grading

Each teacher uses government curriculum documents to establish a grading policy for their classes. Teachers are expected to fully explain this policy at the start of the academic year. In Junior and Senior High School, it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the grading policy and requirements for each course. Should a student or parent wish to review a teacher’s specific grading policy for a particular class, they should make contact with the teacher directly.

Academic Late Policy

If a student knows that they will be absent for an in-class assessment, it is the student’s responsibility to reschedule the assessment with the teacher in advance. If a student misses an in-class assessment unexpectedly, the default assessment policy is that the student will write the assessment the next day that the student is in school, or during the next class period, depending on the discretion of the teacher. If a student does not follow up with the teacher to make alternate assessment arrangements, the teacher may assign a zero to the assessment.

Any late submission of work will be assigned a late penalty of 5% per day for up to 5 days (25%) after which a grade of zero may be assigned unless students make alternate arrangements directly with their teacher.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating and plagiarism (copying the work of others and submitting them under the pretence that they are one’s own work) are forms of academic dishonesty which are inconsistent with St. Bonaventure’s College principles. Students involved in copying others work or inappropriately providing material to others will be held responsible. These are considered to be serious academic offenses which result in significant academic and disciplinary consequences according to guidelines set out by the administration.

Examination Guidelines

Please remember the following practices regarding the writing of formal exams at St. Bonaventure’s College:

1. Dress Code: uniform

2. The onus is on the student to be familiar with his/her exam schedule. He/she should be aware of the date and time of each exam. As a rule, students will not be allowed extra time if they should arrive late for an exam. If an exam is missed, for any reason, the student will be required to write the exam on conflict day. If a student is sick, parents must contact the office asap. If possible, a doctor’s note should be provided.

3. During the exam period there are NO regular classes. Students only come to school for their exam. Please note however, that the Cafeteria will be available for the purpose of study a half hour before the start of each exam. Students who are disruptive will lose the privilege of using this area and may be required to study at home.

4. Once students have entered the exam rooms, absolute silence is expected. No books, notes or other materials related to the subject may be taken into the exam rooms, except as may be permitted by the subject area teacher(s). NO CELL PHONES OR SMART WATCHES ARE ALLOWED ON A STUDENT. CELL PHONES AND SMART WATCHES MUST BE GIVEN TO THE EXAM SUPERVISIOR.

5. Once seated in the exam rooms, students are not to touch the exam paper and are expected to remain silent until everyone is seated. The supervising teacher will provide any instructions that are necessary and will lead a prayer. At that time the exam will commence and students may look at the exam paper. Under no circumstances should a student do any writing until the exam has officially commenced.

6. Attendance will be taken at the start of the exam. Bathroom should be attended to before the exam starts.

7. Students may not ask questions of the supervisors which are intended to help explain questions or define vocabulary used in the examination. If there is evidently a mistake in the exam paper, this should be brought to the attention of the supervisor who will seek clarification.

8. If a student requires scrap paper during the course of an exam, he/she should raise his/her hand to signify their need for paper etc.

9. Students are required to remain in the exam rooms for a minimum of one hour and thirty minutes for 2 hour exams and 2 hours for 3 hour exams. If a student completes his/her exam before the allotted time has expired, he/she must remain until the first dismissal.

10. When the exam period has ended students will be asked to stop writing. They will remain seated until the supervisor has asked them to bring their exam paper to the collection table.

11. Students must submit all papers they have been given. A student may not leave the exam rooms with any exam-related material. All papers including the multiple-choice sheet, scrap paper, and foolscap should be tucked inside the exam booklet before going to the collection table. Place your exam booklet in the appropriate pile on the collection table.

12. The onus is on the student to properly label his/her exam paper and to ensure that their name is on every sheet to be submitted for evaluation. Before handing in the exam, the student should organize the pages so that they are in the proper sequence.

13. Cheating is considered a very serious offence; in addition to receiving a grade of zero on the exam, a student will face disciplinary procedures including the possibility of expulsion.

14. During the Exam Period, Tutorial Classes have been scheduled by teachers. Students attending these classes are free to ask questions and seek help from the teacher assigned to them. Students must follow the direction of the teacher and behave appropriately.

Student Formation Discipline Policy  

St. Bonaventure’s College aspires to form men and women for others who are intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving and committed to justice in the generous service to the people of God. Our Student Formation and Discipline Policy encompasses all aspects of our school, including Academics, Music, Band, Choir, Hockey, Athletics, Extracurricular Activities, Volunteering Programs, and other areas of Student Life.

Our values are based on the principles of 

  • Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: to work as a community for the greater glory of God 
  • Magis: to strive to do more (the greater) in sharing the Gospel values, learning, and serving others 
  • Cura Personalis: to care for the individual person 
  • A Caring and Diverse Community 
  • Persons for and with Others 

Section A: Expectations & Responsibilities  

Staff shall:  

  • Create a positive faith-based learning environment where all students are accepted, feel respected and are encouraged to become people of service who upon graduation are open to growth, intellectually competent, loving, religious and committed to justice;  
  • Recognize parents are the primary educators of their children and encourage the involvement of parents/ guardians in educational decisions involving their children based on the premise that school and homework together for the benefit of all students;  
  • Treat and discipline students with courtesy, respect, consistency, and fairness;   
  • Teach and model Ignatian values and principles by positive example.  

Students shall:   

Respect and care for themselves and others by:  

  • Developing self-discipline;  
  • Demonstrating behaviour that contributes to an orderly, supportive and safe learning environment;   
  • Respecting and demonstrating consideration for other cultures and human differences;  
  • Complying with the school’s uniform policy  and discipline policy including rules related to bullying and cyberbullying; and,  
  • Resolving conflicts and difficulties with others through discussion or by seeking assistance from school personnel. Being open to growth to accept when help or assistance is needed. 
  • Attending school regularly and punctually;  
  • Coming to class on time with all necessary materials,  e.g., texts, pens, notebooks, etc.;  
  • Completing assignments and handing them in on time;  
  • Participating, to the best of their ability, in class and school activities; and,  
  • Being honest and showing integrity at all times.  

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are encouraged and/or expected to:  

  • Discuss with their children, and support, SBC’s  Formation Discipline Policy. 
  • Ensure regular and punctual attendance and encourage completion of all school assignments by their children;  
  • Attend school meetings and events, and support the school;  
  • Maintain open communication with staff by addressing concerns through proper lines of communication;   
  • Treat all staff with dignity and respect;   
  • Assist their children to establish positive attitudes towards achievement as well as respect for others, school personnel and property; and,  
  • Inform the school of problem areas or areas of behavioural concern.  
  • Keep themselves informed about school events and policies through the website, Moodle and Parent Memos. 
  • Be open to experience Jesuit education and if desired, seek opportunities to expand their knowledge. 

Section B. Types of Disciplinary Issues 

Harassment and Bullying  

What is Bullying? 

Bullying is a form of continuous aggressive behaviour that is hurtful and deliberate. Underlying most bullying behaviour is an abuse of personal power and a desire to intimidate and dominate others. Bullying can be physical, verbal or relational. 

Often it takes very subtle forms and can be difficult to detect. Some examples of bullying include: 

  • hitting, tripping or deliberately pushing or hurting another person regularly 
  • intentionally damaging another person’s belongings continuously 
  • threatening another person with physical or relational harm continuously  
  • name-calling, sneering, or gossiping continuously including but not restricted to, cell phones, social media. 
  • teasing or humiliating another student continuously 
  • making fun of another person’s appearance, size, disability, race, gender, language, culture, clothing, family or grade 
  • directing insulting remarks, gestures, or actions of a sexual nature towards another 
  • isolating others or threatening to exclude them from social events, games and conversations 
  • using cell phones/social media or e-mail for intimidating or threatening purposes 

Types of Harassment or Bullying may include but, are not limited to:  

Physical – such as gestures, slapping, tripping, hitting, choking, poking, punching, pinching, kicking, scratching, spitting, defacing property, physical acts that are embarrassing, locking in and out of space, physical violence against family or friends, threatening with a weapon, or inflicting bodily harm.  

Verbal – such as name calling, gossiping or embarrassing another, spreading rumors, ethnic slurs, setting up to take blame, taunting, teasing, threatening phone calls or text messaging, threats of violence against family or friends.  

Social/Relational – actions or behaviours such as rejection, exclusion, manipulating, social order, setting up to humiliate in person or through the use of technology.  

Cyber-bullying – such as the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone, defamatory personal web sites, social media (e.g., Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram etc.) and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that results in harm to others. 


  1. Possessing a weapon, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, will not be tolerated at school.   
  2. Using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs at school or, on school related activities – inside or outside the school – is unacceptable.  
  3.  Using, possessing cigarettes, cigars, pipes or clove cigarettes; Smoking products and smokeless tobacco including spit tobacco, dip, chew and and, products  that mimic tobacco use (e.g., electronic cigarettes/ vaping). 

Use of Electronics 

Pupils and staff must adhere to school policies respecting appropriate use of electronic mail and the Internet, including the prohibition of accessing, uploading, downloading or distributing material that the school has determined to be objectionable. Access is a privilege and not a right.  An Acceptable Use Policy contract must be signed each school year by students and their parents. 

At St. Bonaventure’s College students are expected to exhibit mutual respect when interacting online which is no different than when interacting face-to-face.  Students must maintain the principles of respect, dignity, concern for and protection of both themselves and others at all times. Activities which are inappropriate, unethical, illegal, harassing (bullying) are strictly prohibited.  Social media interaction has the potential to reach global audiences.  This translates into the need for a greater level of awareness, responsibility, and accountability for all student use of social media.  

Language and Profanity 

Respect for others requires that the words we use be polite, sincere and considerate, especially when there is a disagreement. Language, which is coarse, vulgar, profane or obscene has no place in a Catholic school community.  Persistent use of such language is considered a serious offence. 

SBC has a well-defined Formation Discipline Policy. The consequences for violating the school’s policy include, but are not limited to:   

Less serious infractions:  

  • Warning by teacher and/or /Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration 
  • Minor Infractions  
  • Phone call home by teacher or administrator  
  • Detention  or Time-Out  
  • Restitution  

Major infractions  

  • Formal meeting with parents  
  • In-school suspension  
  • Out-of-school suspension  
  • Expulsion/non-re-admittance  

Students and parents/guardians should appeal disciplinary consequences to the teacher issuing them first and then to the Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration. 

Students. Parents/guardians have the right to appeal serious disciplinary consequences by following the procedures explained in the Discipline System. In general, they should first discuss them with the Head of Administration and then may appeal to the Head of school and President. 

Steps of Ignatian Formation for Disciplinary Problems/Issues 

Any behaviour contrary or detrimental to the reputation of St. Bonaventure’s College, or any other inappropriate conduct is subject to disciplinary actions.  The steps of the formation discipline policy are to help support a student and to encourage them to be open to growth and change their behaviour by receiving support and action plans that support their formation and journey.   

Parent cooperation is essential for the welfare of students. If, in the opinion of the Administration, parent behaviour seriously interferes with the teaching/learning process, the school may require parents to withdraw their children and sever the relationship with the school. 


Occasionally, removal from the group is necessary when a student: 

  • Is in physical or psychological danger or puts others in danger. 
  • Is abusive in speech or gesture. 
  • Pushes beyond the limits of respect in speech or actions. 
  • Chooses to act outside the Classroom discipline rules set out by the teacher.
  • Violates any of the rules and regulations of this policy 

If possible, the adult who removed the student will work quickly to help the student regain self-control.  If this happens, the two parties can continue to work together to redirect inappropriate behaviour.  If regaining control does not happen, the student will be sent to the Principal’s office and the School Discipline Procedure will be set in motion. 

Step 1: 

  • The student and teacher meet. 
  • Together they complete the disciplinary incident report 
  • The student signs the disciplinary incident report. 
  • The disciplinary report is sent home for a parent to sign and returned to the teacher the next day.  The teacher will retain the original copy and provide the Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration with a copy of the disciplinary incident report. 
  • The student completes the Student behavioural reflection and returns to Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration. 

Step 2: 

  • If a student receives two disciplinary incident reports, all written documentation will be forwarded to Head of Administration and the student, along with their parents,  meets with the Head of Administration.  The situation is discussed and an action plan is developed. The school’s campus minister/chaplain will be actively engaged to support the student. 
  • Along with the school’s administration,  the action plan is reviewed with the teacher,(if applicable)parents and student.  The action plan is signed by all parties and is placed in the student’s confidential file, retained by the Administration.  

Step 3: 

  • If a student is sent to Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration after such action plan development, ,or in extreme cases, the teacher, Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration may determine that the seriousness of the action warrants starting at Step 3, then:
  • The student meets with the Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration and their parents immediately.  A referral to campus ministry/chaplain is given.
  • The parents are informed that a suspension of up to three days has been earned. The length and type, in school or out-of-school, will be determined by the Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration in consultation with the full Administrative team. 
  • The family may be required to seek outside support or counselling for the student to ensure that they are fully supported. 
  • All schoolwork missed during the period of suspension must be completed before the student rejoins the class and will be made available to the student through the teacher’s Moodle pages or Google Classroom.  
  • A probationary student behaviour growth plan is developed and signed by the student, parents and administration  to monitor and review progress is put in place once the student is ready to return to class. 
  • A regular check in with parents, the student, guidance, chaplaincy(where applicable) and head of administration will be a mandatory part of the action plan to support and monitor the student. 

(Step 3 can be repeated provided the child shows an openness to growing in partnership with the school, an acknowledgement of the behaviours and a commitment to move forward,  willingness to contribute to a positive learning environment and learn from past mistakes.  When little or no change is evident and school personnel, with parents, have exhausted all available means to affect change and support the student in every way possible, the student will move to step 4.) 

Step 4: 

  • The Head of Holland Hall/Head of Administration, in consultation with the Head of School and President, and the Head of Teaching and Learning, recommends expulsion.
  • The decision to expel a child from St. Bonaventure’s College is a serious matter and rests with the Administrative team.  Parents have the right to request in writing a hearing of a Disciplinary Committee of the Board of Governors. This hearing will be in written form.  A disciplinary committee of the Board will review the written appeal and make a written judgement that will be shared with the parents.