Our Athletics Programs

Our Hockey Program
St. Bonaventure’s College Partners with Xtreme Hockey for Intensive Hockey Training Program As part of our curriculum, we offer an intensive 32-week hockey training program. On-ice training sessions will occur during the school day, primarily at the St. Bon’s Forum on campus.
We’re excited to provide this unique opportunity for our students to enhance their hockey skills while pursuing their education.
St. Bon’s: The Past
St. Bonaventure’s College has a very rich and storied athletics history. For well over 100 years, St. Bon’s has been known to educate some of the top athletes in the province and the country. From the Boyle Cup dominance of 16 consecutive wins from 1944-1960 and 27 cup wins total, to countless Track and Field, Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse and Baseball championships, St Bonaventure’s College has always been an athletic powerhouse. We have had student athletes go on to represent Newfoundland and Labrador as well as Canada on the national and international stage. Our athletes have represented our province and/or country in Hockey, Basketball, Tennis, Rugby, Swimming, Track and Field, Cross Country Running, Rowing, Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Curling and Ball Hockey, all within the last decade.
The St. Bon’s Sports Day has been an continues to be
important part of the school’s tradition since 1894.

Athletic Program
St. Bon’s is proud of our Athletics Program, its athletes and their achievements. It offers a variety of sports and physical activities for athletes of all ages and skill levels. These will improve physical literacy, practice and improve physical skills and improve knowledge and understanding. Enjoying these sports will also enhance personal and social skills.
The interscholastic athletic program at St. Bonaventure’s College is an integral part of the Jesuit Education characteristics ‘cura peronalis” – care for the whole person. It provides an environment where the student may develop and refine athletic skills, test those skills through suitable competition and develop leadership and sportsmanship. Our athletic philosophy is designed to support and affirm the philosophy and mission statement of St. Bonaventure’s College to promote and put into action the Profile of the Graduate at Graduation.
Students and parents are expected to conduct themselves in a positive manner, displaying good sportsmanship at all times, both as participants and as spectators at all athletic events. While winning and losing are components of interscholastic sports, competition and participation are emphasized at SBC and are the means by which students are guided to integrate the values of respect for one’s body, sportsmanship, loyalty, cooperation, respect for others and fitness into their lives.
Athletic Program Objectives:
1. To develop Christian attitudes through working with others.
2. To provide as many athletic activities for as many students as possible.
3. To help students develop agility and overall physical coordination.
4. To promote general physical fitness and an appreciation for physical activity.
5. To develop school spirit, morale and loyalty.
6. To expose students to a variety of situations which will aid them in developing sportsmanship, team cooperation, courtesy and self-control.
7. To develop concepts of goal attainment through hard work and rigorous self-discipline.
8. To provide the SBC community with the opportunity to view competition and to participate as spectators.
Recent Achievements
Banners won:
SSNL Gold Sports Stars
Sr High Girls Outdoor Soccer 2A Provincials
Sr High Boys Indoor 3A Soccer Provincial Qualifier
Sr High Girls Indoor 3A Soccer Provincial Qualifier
Other notable performances:
Jr High Boys soccer were runners-up in the B division of the junior high senior soccer league.
Sr High Boys Outdoor soccer team were runners-up in the 2A provincials.
Sr High Girls volleyball team were runners-up in 2A provincial qualifier.
Sr High Outdoor Ultimate team were runners-up in the provincials.
Jr High Boys basketball team were runners up in the SSNL Junior Varsity C tournament.
Sr High Girls basketball team were runners-up in the provincial qualifiers.
Daniel Patey won the individual silver medal in the Waterford Valley Invitational table tennis tournament. Daniel then partnered Raj Sancheti to win the silver medal in doubles.
Banners won:
SSNL Gold Sports Stars
Sr High Boys Outdoor Soccer 2A Provincials
Sr High Girls Outdoor Soccer 2A Provincials
Sr High Girls Indoor Soccer 3A provincial qualifiers
Sr High Girls Volleyball 2A provincial qualifiers
Sr High Boys Basketball KTMT Tier 3 winners
Daniel Patey won individual gold, Raj Sancheti with bronze in SSNL table tennis provincial qualifier. They then took the doubles gold medal as well.
Banners won:
SSNL Gold Sports Stars
Sr High Girls Outdoor Soccer 3A provincial qualifier
Sr High Girls Outdoor Soccer 3A provincial team sportsmanship
Sr High Girls Indoor Soccer 3A provincial qualifier
Sr High Girls Basketball 2A provincial qualifier
St. Bon’s: The Future
At our school, we are committed to developing a variety of sports at all different levels. We are looking to grow our program to offer an even wider variety of sports and to be competitive in these sports.
Contact Information
For any additional information regarding Athletics or if you would like to help with our athletic program at St. Bonaventure’s College, please contact our Grade 7 to 12 Athletic Director Mr. Chris Bridon at [email protected] or our Grade K to 6 Athletic Director